

Create, manage and retrieve records from the assigned model class that implements this class.

Static Methods

  • public static all(): Get all records from the database table.
  • public static count(): Get the number of records within the database table with optional where clause.
  • public static deleteMany(): Delete multiple records from the database table.
  • public static insert(): Insert a new record into the database table.
  • public static insertOrUpdate(): Insert or update a record within the database table.
  • public static purge(): Purge and delete all records within the database table.
  • public static update(): Update multiple records within the database table.
  • public static where(): Select multiple records from the database table.
  • public static whereFirst(): Get a model instance of the first record found for a given where clause.
  • public static whereId(): Select a single model instance based on the value of the primary key / id column.

Non-Static Methods

  • public delete(): Delete a single model instance from the database table.
  • public getChildren(): Get child records based on a foreign key constraint.
  • public save(): Save and update an individual model instance.
  • public toArray(): Get all properties of the model instance returned in an array.