

static BaseModel::insertOrUpdate(array $criteria, array $values)


Insert or update a record within the database table assigned to the model class.


Parameter Required Type Description
$criteria Yes array The criteria / condition to check whether or not a record already exists. If yes, the record will be updated and otherwise a new record will be inserted.
$values Yes array All remaining values to create / update the reocrd with. If a new record is being created, both these values plus the `$criteria` values will be used.

Return Value

An instance of the model class of the created / updated record.


Insert, then Update Category

use App\Demo\Models\Category; // Insert $cat = Category::insertOrUpdate( ['slug' => 'games'], ['name' => 'Games'] ); // Update the 'name' of the newly created record $cat = Category::insertOrUpdate( ['slug' => 'games'], ['name' => 'Video Games'] ); // Result is one record, now with the name 'Video Games' echo "Category name is $cat->name\n";

See Also