YAML Based Installation

Instead of the interactive CLI based installer, Apex allows for automated installation via a YAML file. This allows for instant deployment including installation of any desired packages, and setting of any desired configuration variables.

To use this method, simply ensure there's a install.yml file located within the Apex installation directory. When you run the ./apex command instead of entering the interactive installer, it will read the YAML file and complete the installation automatically.

There is a install_example.yml file within the Apex installation directory as an example YAML install file. This is already configured for use the with Docker Installation if you would like to test.

YAML File Format

Key Required default Description
domain_name Yes - The domain name being installed on.
enable_admin No 1 A 10 or 0, defining whether or not to enable the administration panel.
db Yes - Array of SQL database information. See the below table for details.
redis No localhost:6379 Array containing the redis information, any / all variables are optional. Defaults to localhost:6379 with no password and db index of 0. Available variables within this array are: host, port, password, dbindex
repos No - One dimensional array of hostnames of any repositories to configure on the local machine.
packages No - One dimensional array of packages to install.
config No - Associative array of any configuration variables to set, keys being the configuration variable itself, and value being the value to set.

db Array

The YAML file requires an associate array named db, which has the following variables available:

Key Required Default Notes
dbname Yes - The name of the SQL database.
user Yes - The database username.
password No - The database password.
host No localhost The database host.
port No 3306 The database port

Please note, if you would prefer to use either PostgreSQL or SQLite instead of mySQL, you will need to modify the file located at ~/boot/container.php, and update the DbInterface::class item.

Sample YAML File

Below shows a sample YAML file.

domain_name: myhostname.com

  password: my_redis_password
  dbindex: 3

  dbname: apex
  dbuser: myuser
  password: my_db_password

  - somehost.com:

  - webapp
  - users
  - transaction
  - support
  - author/package
  - author2/another-package

  "core:site_twitter": "https://twitter.com/client_username"
  "core:site_facebook": "https://facebook.com/client_user"

Start Developing

Check out the Guides section for easy to follow guides to help you get started with Apex. The Develop Your First Package guide is an excellent starting point if you're new to Apex. If you ever have any questions or issues, feel free to ask on the /r/apexpl sub Reddit.