Render Views

Generally, especially if developing for the public site or administration panel, you will never need to manually render a view as it is already handled via auto-routing and the existing middleware. However, you may need to if developing your own middleware components as explained below.

Manually Render Views

You may render any view within a middleware component by calling the View::render() method, such as the example HTTP controller below. Please note, you may create HTTP controllers via the create http-controller CLI Command such as:

apex create http-controller my-package example

This will create a new file located at /src/HttpControllers/Example.php, and below is an example of how to render a view within it:

declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\HttpControllers;

use Apex\Svc\View;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Response;
use Psr\Http\Message\{ServerRequestInterface, ResponseInterface};
use Psr\Http\Server\{MiddlewareInterface, RequestHandlerInterface};

 * Default http controller, generally intended to serve public web site.
class Example implements MiddlewareInterface

    private View $view;

     * Process request
    public function process(ServerRequestInterface $request, RequestHandlerInterface $app): ResponseInterface

        // Do something
        $template_file = 'category/cars';

        // Render template
        $html = $this->view->render($template_file);

        // Return PSR7 response
        return new Response(200, [], $html);

In the above HTTP controller, the Apex\Svc\View class is injected via attribute based injection. Afterwards, the view at /views/html/category/cars.html is rendered, and returned which would then result in being output to the web browser.

The View::render method simply takes one optional argument, being the filename relative to the /views/html/ directory to render. If the argument is not provided, auto-routing will take effect and the view based on the path being visited will be rendered.