Designers - Getting Started

If you're a designer who has been tasked with creating an Apex based theme, first please ensure you have access to an Apex installation. If not and if you are familiar with docker-compose, you can use the four line installation by running the following commands:

git clone
cd apex && mv install_example.yml install.yml
sudo docker-compose up -d
sudo docker-compose exec apex apex

That's it, and the default Apex public site will be available at Throughout the documentation you will be asked to run various apex commands. You may access the Docker container's bash prompt with the command:

sudo docker-compose exec apex bash

Otherwise, you may view the Installation Guide for full installation instructions.

Create New Theme

Once you have an Apex installation to work with, create a new theme with the command:

apex package create mysite --theme

The above command will create new directories at ~/views/themes/mysite and ~/public/themes/mysite for the public assets such as images, CSS and Javascript.

Change Display Theme

You will also want to change which theme Apex is using. Open the ~/boot/site.yml file, and you will see a themes section which will look something like:

    admin: limitless
    members: orbiter
    default: default

The above signifies that the limitless theme will be used for all requests sent to the /admin/ URI, the orbiter theme will be used for all requests sent to the /members/ URI, and all other requests will use the default theme.

Assuming you're designing a public site, change the default entry in the above to:

    admin: limitless
    members: orbiter
    default: mysite

That's it, and all requests sent to the public web site will now utilize the mysite theme.