Create New Project

First, do a typical install of Apex as you normally would. If needed, consult the Installation section of the documentation for full installation guides. Once installation is complete with all desired packages installed, you may turn the installation into a version controlled project by using the project create CLI command, such as:

apex project create <ALIAS> [--staging]

apex project create test-proj

This will create a new package within the system, just as if you were creating a package normally via the package create CLI command. Plus it will also create a repository on the Apex network, and upload the entire contents of the Apex system to the repository as the initial commit.

By either including the optional --staging flag or confirming when prompted, a new staging environment will also be created on the domain. Using the above example and using the username "jsmith", the system will also be fully installed at including database, redis, and all configuration. All commits to the project from developer machines will now be automatically synced to the staging enviroment, allowing the team to watch development progress in real-time.