Release Package
At times you will want to tag a new release for your package. This can be done with the release create CLI command, for example:
apex release create <PACKAGE> [<VERSION>]
For example:
apex release create shop 1.4.8
The package argument is required while the version argument is optional. If the version argument is not defined, the systm will automatically add one to the third segment of the last version released.
Once a release is created, all future installs will use the new release. Also, anyone with the package already installed on their system can instantly upgrade it with the command:
apex upgrade <PACKAGE>
List Releases
You may list all releases that have been created on a package with the release list CLI command, such as:
apex release list <PACKAGE>
Delete release
It's not recommended to delete releases, especially if it was created a while ago and other users have already upgraded to the latest version. However, if ever necessary, you may delete a release with the release delete CLI command, such as:
apex release delete <PACKAGE> <VERSION>
View Changelog
You may view a list of all files modified / deleted between two different versions with the release changelog CLI command, such as:
apex release changelog <PACKAGE> <OLD_VERSION> <NEW_VERSION>
This will display a list of all files that have been added, modified and deleted between the two versions.