Package Configuration - menus

The menus element allows you to define the various menus to add into the administration panel, member's area, public site, and any other custom areas that have been developed into the system. This element is an array of associative arrays, with each element of the associative arrays explained below.

Key Required Description
area Yes The area the menu belongs to. Will generally always be either "admin", "members" or "public" unless custom areas have been developed into the system.
type No The type of menu, supported values are -- "internal", "parent", "header", "external". See below for a detailed description of each. Defaults to "internal".
parent No Only applicable if this is a child menu of a parent drop down. For example, if adding a sub-menu into the Settings menu of the admin panel you would specify "settings" here.
position No The position of the menu relative to its sibling menus. Supported values are "top", "bottom", "after XXX", "before XXX". See below for details, defaults to "bottom".
icon No Only applicable if theme supports icons for the menu type (ie. parent menu within admin panel), and is the FontAwesome icon alias (eg. fa fa-fw fa-chart".
alias Yes The alias of the menu, included within the URI when the system generates a link to the menu. Must be alphanumeric, and in all lowercase.
name Yes The name of the menu as will be displayed within the web browser.
menus No Only applicable if type is set to parent and is a list of sub-menus available. Simple key-value pairs, the key being the sub-menu alias, and the value being the sub-menu name.
url No Only applicable if type is set to "external", and is the URL the menu links to.
require_login No A 1 or 0, and defines whether or not the user must be authenticated in order to display the menu (eg. Logout). Defaults to 0.
require_nologin No A 1 or 0, and defines whether or not the menu is only displayed if the user is not authenticated (eg. Login). Defaults to 0.

type Element

Defines the type of menu, and can be one of the following:

  • parent - A parent dropdown menu that contains sub-menus, such as Settings, Users, Communicate and so on within the administration panel
  • header A header to help seperate the differnt groups of menus, such as Setup, Accounts and Financial within the administration panel.
  • internal - A standard menu that links to an internal page within the web site. This can either be a standalone main menu, or a sub-menu under a parent menu.
  • external - A menu that links to an external URL instead of an internal page within the web site.

position Element

Optional field that allows you to define the position of the menu relative to its sibling menus. Supports the following values:

  • top - Top of the menu list, whether that's the top-level menu or within the parent menu.
  • bottom - Bottom of the menu list, whether that's the top-level menu or within the parent menu. This is the default if no position is defined.
  • before <ALIAS> - Will place the menu just before / on top of the menu specified within <ALIAS>. For example, to place a new menu above the Communicate menu within the admin panel, you would set the position to "before communicate".
  • after <ALIAS> - Will place the menu just after / below of the menu specified within <ALIAS>. For example, to place a new menu below the Communicate menu within the admin panel, you would set the position to "after communicate".


Some great examples can be found within the package.yml files of various base packages such as the webapp and users packages. Below is the entire menus section from the users package which makes use of all possible elements and combinations.


    area: admin
    position: after reports
    type: header
    alias: hdr_accounts
    name: Accounts

    area: admin
    position: after hdr_accounts
    type: parent
    icon: fa fa-fw fa-users
    alias: users
    name: Users
      create: Create New User
      manage: Manage User
      delete: Delete User
      pending: Pending users
      viewall: View All Users
      activity: Recent Activity

    area: admin
    position: after users
    type: parent
    icon: fa fa-fw fa-envelope
    alias: communicate
    name: Communicate
      notify: Notify User
      broadcast_email: Broadcast E-Mail
      broadcast_sms: Broadcast SMS
      login_notices: Login Notices

    area: admin
    parent: settings
    position: after notifications
    alias: users
    name: Users

    area: admin
    parent: reports
    position: top
    alias: users
    name: Users

    area: members
    position: top
    type: parent
    icon: fa fa-fw fa-user
    alias: account
    name: My Account
      profile: Profile
      security: Security
      password: Password
      delete: Delete

    area: public
    position: bottom
    require_nologin: 1
    alias: register
    name: Register

    area: public
    position: bottom
    require_nologin: 1
    alias: login
    name: Login

    area: public
    position: bottom
    require_login: 1
    alias: logout
    name: Logout