Package Configuration - general

The general section of the package.yml file is a simple key-value pair and contains basic information on the package such as description, access level, price, and so on. The below table lists all available keys within this section:

Key Description
description Quick one line description of the package.
access The access level of the package. Can be either, "public", "commercial", or "private". See below for details.
type Defines whether this is a package or project. Always leave this at "package".
category The category slug the package belongs to. See below.
license License assigned to the package if access is "public". Defaults to MIT.
price If access is "commercial", the amount in USD to charge for the package.
price_recurring If access is "commercial" and you wish to charge a recurring fee for continued upgrades and support, this is the recurring fee to charge in USD.
price_interval If access is "commercial" and a recurring fee has been set, the recurring interval to charge the end-user. See below for details.
allow_num_installs If access is "commercial", the number of different servers / IP addresses the package may be installed on before requesting additional installs from you.

Access Level

The access element allows you to define the access level of the package. Three different access levels are supported:

  • public -- Open source and available to the public free of charge.
  • commercial - You set your own price point, and only end-users who purchase a license will be able to install it on their Apex system. See Commercial Packages page for full details.
  • private -- Meant for clients with exclusive code bases only intended for them. The repository will be private and only available to the individuals you provide access to.

price_interval Element

If the package access is "commercial" and you defined a recurring price, you also need to define the price_recurring element which specifies how often to charge the user. This is formatted at PXX where P is one of the following:

  • D - Days
  • W - Weeks
  • M - Months
  • Q - Quarters
  • Y - Years

Then XX is any number you wish. For example, M1 would be every month, Q2 would be semi-annualy, while Y1 would be every year.


You may use one of the following categories within the general section. If your category does not exist, please e-mail [email protected] and request it be added.

Slug Name
api APIs
async Async
bigdata Big Data Processing
communication Communication
content Content Management
crypto Crypto Currency
devtools Development Tools
ecommerce eCommerce
marketing Marketing
ml Machine Learning
other Other
payments Payment Processing
scaling Horizontal Scaling
security Security Tools
social Social Media
stats Statistics
thene Thenes
uncategorized Uncategorized
users User Management