Default PublicSite Controller

With installation, the routes within the /boot/routes.ymll file will reflect that the "default" route points to the PublicSite HTTP controller. This means any HTTP request made to the system that does not explicity match any other route will be forwarded to the PublicSite controller for processing.

The PublicSite uses auto-routing that displays templates based on the URI being accessed. For example, if visiting the URL at:


Apex will look for a view at /views/html/services/hosting.html, and if found will render and display it. While doing so, Apex will also look for a PHP file at /views/php/services/hosting.php, and execute the necessary methods depending on the request method (ie. get, post,, et al) being requested.

For full information on how views work, please visit the Views - Developers section of the documentation.