

?object Db::getIdObject(string $class_name, string $table_name, string | int $id, [ string $id_col = '' ])


Get a single row by the value of the table's id / primary key column mapped to an object.


Parameter Required Type Description
$class_name Yes string The fully qualified class name to map the database record to.
$table_name Yes string The table name to retrieve record from.
$id Yes string | int The value of the id / primary key column to lookup.
$id_col No string The column to search in. Defaults to the primary key column of the table.

Return Value

Returns an object with its properties mapped to an instance of the provided class name of the record retrieved, or null if no record found.


Get Object By ID

use App\Demo\Models\Product; $id = 81; if (!$product = $this->db->getIdObject(Product::class, 'products', $id)) { die("No product found with id# $id"); } echo "Got object: " . $product::class . "\n";

See Also