Send Firebase Message

For mobile apps, you can send Firebase messages via Google's API using the Apex\Mercury\Firebase\Firebase class. You must already have a Google account setup with this ability.


You must create an instance of the Apex\Mercury\Firebase\FirebaseConfig class with your API details to send Firebase messages. The constructor accepts the following parameters:

Variable Required Type Description
$project_id Yes string The project ID.
$server_key Yes string The server key.
$sender_id Yes string The sender id.
$app_name No string The app name.
$firebase_url No string The API URL to send to. Defaults to

All above parameters will be obtained from your Google account.

Sending Firebase Messages

You may send Firebase messages by calling the Apex\Mercury\Firebase\Firebase::send() method, after instantiating the class with passing a FirebaseConfig object to the constructor. The send() method accepts the following parameters:

Variable Required Type Description
$message Yes string The message / payload to send, generally a JSON object.
$android_ids No array An array of Android device IDs to send to.
$ios_ids No array An array of iOS device IDs to send to.
$type No string
$title No string
$icon No string
$action_id No string

This will return an integer with the total number of messages successfully sent. For example:

use Apex\Mercury\Firebase\{Firebase, FirebaseConfig};

// Get config
$config = new FirebaseConfig(
    project_id: 'project_id', 
    server_key: 'server_key', 
    sender_id: 'sender_id'

// Send Firebase message
$firebase = new Firebase($config);
$count = $firebase->send("Message to send", ['android-device-id', 'android2']);

echo "Sent total: $total\n";