Project Controller

Let's link the view we created on the previous page with a functioning controller. Create a new file at /src/Disaster/Controllers/ProjectController.php with the following contents:


namespace App\Disaster\Controllers;

use Apex\Svc\{App, Db};
use App\Disaster\Models\Project;
use Apex\App\Base\Lists\CountryList;

 * Project controller
class ProjectController

    private App $app;

    private Db $db;

        * Create project
    public function create():?Project

        // Create project
        $proj = Project::insert([
            'location_id' => $this->app->post('location_id'),
            'status' => $this->app->post('status'),
            'title' => $this->app->post('title'),
            'description' => $this->app->post('description')

        // Return
        return $proj;

     * Create location options
    public function createLocationOptions(string $selected = ''):string

        // Go through locations
        $options = '';
        $rows = $this->db->query("SELECT id,country,city FROM disaster_locations WHERE is_active = %b ORDER BY id", true);
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $chk = $selected == $row['id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
            $name = $row['city'] . ', ' . CountryList::$opt[$row['country']]['name'];
            $options .= "<option value=\"$row[id]\" $chk>$name</option>";

        // Return
        return $options;


Visit the Disaster Relief->Projects menu of the administration panel now, and you will see it's possible to create a new project through the one tab within the tab control. Now let's tie everything together by creating a data table and making a few more minor modifications.